Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Are You Successful?

As students graduate high school they usually begin to search for the purpose of their life; they start to wonder the reason they are here and the meaning of life in general.  During this “purpose search” young adults tend to look to themselves to find fulfillment and after discovering very little, they turn to other people and things.  
I have tried both.  I’ve tried to find satisfaction in the things of this world and have quickly found I will never find contentment or true happiness in anything this world has to offer. 

1 John 2:17 says, “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”  So despite these temporary desires, I can say that I have found my true calling and purpose in life.  
The purpose that I’ve found does not have anything to do with my abilities or talents.  It doesn’t have anything to do with me.  This purpose is higher than and outside of anything I have control over. 
Being a music lover, I spent a while trying to decide which song to use in my slideshow.  I actually had one picked out 2 years ago, and just last week I changed my mind.  Among other things, what made me choose this song was the line of the bridge which says, “We want more than this world’s got to offer”.  I related this line to the fact that as I graduate high school I am going to start looking for new experiences, but that no matter how many great opportunities are out there, none of these will be enough to fulfill this deep desire I have for something more.  I know that we all have this desire.  

I wanted to share my favorite quote.  In it, C.S. Lewis writes, “I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world could satisfy.  The most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” 
Like I said, I don’t think this desire is only found in one certain group of individuals.  We all have it.  We all have this desire because like this quote indicates, we were made for another world.  
Happiness is hard to find but I think that's because we have been looking in all the wrong places. I've realized that the only one who can truly satisfy the human heart is the one who made it.
Just as we were created, we are made to create. The creations we then make are our act of worship to God.  For me, I feel as though artwork simply flows out of me. 

I see art and beauty in everything and I want to make all that's around me beautiful. I want people to see life the way God intended it to be. I want to look for the good in every situation and find perfect peace in Him. 
I know that no matter how hard I try to become successful through my abilities in artwork, I will never become completely successful until I give the glory to Christ because he is the one who put the artistic ability in me. 

That desire that I mentioned before, that fulfillment that we are looking for, it can't be found in anything of this world, but in the one true God. The ultimate Creator.  So as I start this next journey of my life, I want to fulfill my purpose and strive to glorify God.    


  1. No words can express how much I loved this! You have such a beautiful heart. I am so excited to see where the Lord takes you in this new phase of life!
    I was so happy to see you chose a Switchfoot song, lol ;) Although, I LOVE "Keep Your Eyes Open" equally, haha!!

    1. haha you remembered!! I'll have to send you my video or post it somewhere:) You are such a sweet heart love you girl!

    2. Yess!!! I remembered :)) And that would be fantastic! I love you more!


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