Tuesday, May 16, 2017

See the Beauty

It can be rough sometimes when God decides to reveal to you where your heart is at.  For me these past few weeks I've been praying and thinking about a lot, and not realizing it, I've been stressed.  I just got back actually, from the dentist, who said I need a mouth guard to stop me from grinding me teeth:( Once again, God revealing the anxiety in my heart.  But this post isn't about the thorn of stress in my side, its actually about contentment.  Even though we may not realize it at times, this hidden stress I think can come from a lack of contentment.

If you asked someone, anyone really, what they wanted, most likely they could easily tell you about a desire or dream they may have.  Living in America, we are surrounded by the idolized dream of obtaining bigger and better toys.  Personally, it isn't toys (clothes or cars) that I am constantly wishing for, to make myself happy, it's experiences and relationships.

Does this thought sound familiar to you? "If only I had a boyfriend (or girlfriend), I would feel loved.  I would always feel fulfilled and needed." "If only I could go to Europe, I would be happy."
If these thoughts sound genuine, it's because they were for me.  And honestly I will say that that going to Europe fulfilled a certain desire in my heart, but now what? Now I come home and I am itching to go back?  The thing is, I'm not.  It's like we think we can run from our problems and live perfectly in another place, but honestly being there was so much harder.  (Don't get me wrong, it was incredible, but I love living in CA)

Being home for two weeks now, I've realized how often I think about all the things that I want or "need".  And I've realized how instead of telling myself that I need certain things, I need to be thankful.  Since I've become aware of this, being thankful is truly something worth celebrating- all year round.  When we intentionally look for the beauty and the positives in every circumstance, something incredible happens in our hearts.

There are so many small details incorporated in each situation, so why focus on the things that went wrong, when you can praise God for all the things that went well!

If you have a desire to travel, as strong as I do, let me tell you from experience, I've learned you will never find what you're looking for in another place, if you aren't already content at home.
The fulfillment you're looking for isn't over there, it's right beside you.  Stop looking to other things for happiness when you have Christ.  He is is the only one who will satisfy your heart and the deep longing you have for something more.  I'm speaking to myself here. But trust me on this, you won't be able to see the beauty in anything until Christ makes your vision clear.

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